Rita studierte nach einer Ausbildung zur Möbeltischlerin an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee Bühnen- und Kostümbild. Ein Studienaufenthalt führte sie an die staatliche Akademie für Kunst und Design und das staatliche Theaterinstitut in St. Petersburg wo sie Bildhauerei und Bühnenbild studierte.
Seit 2003 ist sie freie Bühnenbildnerin für Theaterproduktionen an Häusern wie tjg. Dresden, Puppentheater Halle, der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin, Theatre Garonne Toulouse. Zusammenarbeiten mit Rike Reiniger, Nils Zapfe, Ivana Sajevic, Cie. freaks und fremde, Doris Dziersk und Meg Stuart entstanden.
Seit 2014 engagiert sich Rita in der Lehre. Sie war 6 Jahre künstlerische Mitarbeiterin an der HfBK Dresden im Studiengang Bühnen- und Kostümbild. Lehraufträge für Bühnen- und Kostümbild und Künstlerische Grundlagen an der HMT Leipzig und der BHT Berlin folgten. Zur Zeit leitet sie die Werkstatt für bildhauerische Praxis an der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle im Studiengang Kunst / Lehramt.
After an apprenticeship as a Jointer/Carpenter Rita studied set and costume design at the Art Academy of Berlin-Weissensee. Graduating in 2003 with a diploma, she further studied for one year, sculpture at the Academy for Arts and Design in St. Petersburg, and stage design at the State Theatre Arts Academy/St.Petersburg Russia.
Since 2003, Rita works as a freelance Set and Costume Designer for bat-Berlin, caroussel-theater Berlin, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Theatre Garonne Toulouse, Theater Augsburg, tjg.Dresden and Puppetry Theater Halle, where she also designed puppets. She works together with such artists as, Rike Reiniger, Nils Zapfe, Ivana Sajevic, Heiki Ikkola, Sabine Köhler of Cie.freaks und fremde, Doris Dziersk and Meg Stuart.
Since 2014 Rita is also active as lecturer. She leads workshops and gives talks in universities and institutions.
2022 Solo Residency Neustart Kultur at Theater am Turm Marburg
2019 Flausen Wettbewerb – Bundesnetzwerk: Winner 1. Prize / Research Residency together with Lovefuckers: Ivana Sajevic, Anna Menzel and Annemie Twardawa
2014 Nomination for the Theaterpreis Thüringen with 1000 Jahre Eisenach schwarzweiß Figurentheater / Invitation to the Thüringer Theatertage
2008 IBA 2010 Weißenfels / Competition Architecture facade design : Winner 1. Prize
2005 Micropolis short film competition Athens: Winner with Lydia Georgiana for ‚the wok‘, film set design
2003 Coburg Design Prize in the international competition light design: Winner / scholarship for international light design workshop
2003 A Lear of Our Times international student competition of the Prager Quadriennale: Winner / exhibition participation
2022 (since) Head sculpture workshop / department of studies art teaching / Burg Giebichenstein University of Art Halle
2022 Raum und Gestaltung / lecture and workshop / department interior design / FH Wismar
2021 lectureship artistic basics for Prof. Tina Kitzing at Berlin University of Applied Sciences / seminar and exercise / department theater and event technology and management
2019 lectureship stage design / block seminar department dramaturgy / Leipzig University of Music and Drama
2019 International exchange with teachers of the scenography program of HKU Utrecht / Netherlands and the scenography program Mastricht
2018 strng alongs / lecture series on the guest program at the HfBK Dresden together with literary scientist Katharina Serles
2017 Das Nichts / workshop together with the Astro physicist Prof. Börne /Max-Plack-Institute Munich/ Bundesschülertheatertage Dresden
2014 (-2020) Artistic Associate / artistic basics / department stage and costume design / Dresden University of Fine Arts
Further Education
2020 Higher Education Didactic Certificate of Saxony
2019 E-Teaching course (60h) / TU- Dresden
2015 9th Dresden Color Forum / From color theory to teaching colors
Works (Selection)
2023 Metropol / stage design for CIE. Freaks and Fremde/ Societätstheater Dresden
2023 Sandkasten/ artistic advice stagedesign / scharzweißfigurentheater Chemnitz
2022 Metropol / stage, costumes, objects/ after Eugen Ruge / object theater with CIE. Freaks and Fremde/ Societätstheater Dresden
2022 sparkling mens / immersive project on the subject of menstruation /artists – solo residency / Theater am Turm Marburg
2022 books in real time / animated photo collages for digital reading / Friedich-Bödecker-Kreis Mecklenburg Vorpommern
2021 Construction of a very light puppet / Künstler*innen ans Netz /Scholarship of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
2021 Fischers Frau / stage, costumes and puppets /directed by Rike Reiniger/ schwarzweißfigurentheater Chemnitz
2020 Scenes of a Marriage / portrait-masks / directed by Ingo Kerkhof /Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
2020 The Curse / research residency together with artists of the group Lovefuckers / Theater am Turm Marburg
2020 Outbreak of Colors / designs stage, costumes, puppets / directed by Ivana Sajevic / production for tjg. Dresden
2019 I’m every Woman / design concept for stage, costumes, puppets
2018 Die besseren Wälder / set and costumes / directed by Sebastian Martin / Junges Staatstheater Parchim
2018 Kubikus -TV / set and characters for video clip / directed by Nils Zapfe / tjg. Dresden
2018 What is small and green and has three eyes? / concept, stage and costumes / directed by Nils Zapfe / tjg. Dresden
2016 SilverSex / stage, costumes and puppets / directed by Nils Zapfe /Lovefuckers / Sophiensäle Berlin
2015 Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch / stage, costumes and puppets / directed by Ivana Sajevic / Bühnen Halle
2014 Doing It / stage, costumes and puppets / directed by Ivana Sajevic / theater junge generation_ tjg. Dresden
2013 Ziffer Zelle Zebrafisch / stage, costumes and puppets / directed by Heiki Ikkola/ tjg. Dresden + Max Planck Institute for Cell and Gene Research Dresden
2012 Thousand Years of Eisenach / stage, costumes, figures and lighting design / directed by Rike Reiniger / schwarzweißfigurentheater Eisenach
2010 It’s beautiful, it’s Pakistan / spatial concept and projections / object theater with CIE. Freaks and Fremde
2010 Rewriting / space design and props / directed by Silvana Suarez Cedeno / Tanz im August / Sophiensäle Berlin
2009 Das Harte Brot / stage and costume design / directed by Markus Trabusch / Theater Augsburg
2009 Do Animals Cry / collaboration stage design with Doris Dziersk / directed by Meg Stuart / Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz Berlin
2007 Dream Beach / stage design assistance and building / stage design Imke Sturm / directed by Anja Scollin / Platypustheater Berlin
2006 Blessed / stage design assistance / stage design Doris Dziersk / directed by Meg Stuart / Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin
2005 Die Fremde / stage design and lighting / directed by Heiki Ikkola / cie. freaks and fremde Dresden
2005 Dolmusch X-press / stage design and production assistance / stage design Doris Dziersk / concept raumlabor / HAU Hebbeltheater am Ufer
2005 Replacement / stage design assistance / stage design Barbara Ehnes/ directed by Meg Stuart / Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin
2004 X-Apartments / apartment Meg Stuart / space design / directed by Meg Stuart / HAU – Hebbel Theater am Ufer